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  1. Foucault, Lecture 08, 17 December 1985

    Shifting now to the discussion of power, Deleuze examines a particular passage in The Archeology of Knowledge, Foucault’s choice of a statement example, AZERT (QUERTY equivalent on French keyboards). Deleuze…

  2. Foucault, Lecture 11, 21 January 1986

    After a brief consideration of Foucault’s relationship with cinema in terms of his problem of the visible and the statable (cf. René Allio’s film on Pierre Rivière), Deleuze returns to…

  3. Foucault, Lecture 13, 25 February 1986

      After a month break, Deleuze recaps the previous discussion on Foucault’s approach to power-knowledge relations, concluding that all the aspects detailed are linked together, power constituting a microphysics, fluid…

  4. Foucault, Lecture 25, 27 May 1986

    As the first of two “optional” end-of-semester sessions, here we have the “music session”, with an important focus on Pierre Boulez’s Pli selon pli (with two recorded parts played during…

  5. Foucault, Lecture 10, 14 January 1986

    Following Georges Comtesse’s intervention (the first 17 minutes) on the panopticon in Foucault, Deleuze returns to his outline of principles gleaned from reading theories on power and denounced by Foucault:…